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Ready to showcase our unparalleled expertise and unparalleled product range to customers around the world.

Expanding our reach

Ready to showcase our unparalleled expertise and unparalleled product range to customers around the world.

July 16, 2024

Recovery and coating of pump volutes and impellers

Maxcase #08 - Water & Wastewater: Recovery and coating of pump volutes and impellers that showed wear caused by internal corrosion, cavitation and abrasion.

✳️ Challenge:

Recovery and coating of pump volutes and impellers that showed wear caused by internal corrosion, cavitation and abrasion.

🛠️ Scope of Activities:

-Surface preparation to create a roughness profile;

-Application of Max 1311 polymer to restore worn regions;

-Application of Max 1512 polymer for finishing and reinforcement.


The recovery and coating service for the volutes and pump rotors took place in 3 stages: Surface preparation to create a roughness profile through abrasive blasting in accordance with an almost white metal standard (Sa 2.1/2) in accordance with NBR 7348/2007, that is, with an average roughness of at least 45 micrometers. Application of the coating, followed by the application of reinforcement to rebuild and protect surfaces subject to chemical, abrasive and corrosive wear.

✅✅ Conclusions:

The recovery and coating services for volutes and pump impellers took place as planned and achieved the established objectives. Both the rotors and the volutes, after the surface preparation process that ensured good adhesion of the polymers to the metallic substrate, had their worn surfaces recovered and also protected against the factors that caused corrosion, cavitation and abrasion processes. With the system returning to operating at full capacity and with an extended useful life.


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November 05, 2024

Repair and reconstruction due to abrasive wear on pumps and valves.

Maxcase #16 - Mining & Mineral Process: Severe abrasion repair on pumps and valves in nickel mining processing complex.

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October 29, 2024

Application glass fiber reinforced coating resistant to high pressures and temperatures

Maxcase #15 - Oil & Gas: Application of fiberglass reinforced coating resistant to high pressures and high temperatures, in leaky gas pipes on an oil platform.

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